I've been hearing things about this Blingee fascination, and I loved looking at the ones that have been posted. So I went through my photos from the April 1st game (there are like a million! LOL, ok, not that many...) and found one of my favorites* Than I signed up for an account and went at it! Oh Mr. Kennedy, you make my heart do little flips* :)

Make custom Glitter Graphics
I know I promised photos of flowers, but really... isn't this just a little more important?? :D
Pens play at 3 today on NBC... Today is the day!
In the words of Malcom S. Forbes, "Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat." Today shall be a great day! The sun is shining here in CF, I'm going shopping before the game, and I had the most amazing toaster waffles in the world! All things are pointing towards a win!!
And as a final note:
“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.”
-- Winston Churchill